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professional stages


Consulting & Coaching

Consultant and coach in leadership positions in various business and IT transformations; responsible for PMO,

organizational change management, team development, educational consulting and executive coaching;

Key note speaker, author, blogger & podcast host

Self-employed and in permanent employment


Communication Trainer

Trainer, consultant, coach, lecturer, mentor for German as a foreign language, International Business Communication & Applied Anthropology at universities, private educational institutions, international companies and refugee aid organizations

freelancer and in permanent employment



PhD in anthropology with a research project on demographic change, ageing and migration in Germany and Turkey.

In addition, university teaching, publication of the monograph and articles in specialist journals and anthologies.

Coordination of further research projects on corporate culture and migration, DEIB and collective identity formation processes.

Giving lectures at international conferences.


University studies

University studies in anthropology, political science and international law at the Universities of Heidelberg and Tübingen as well as internships in museums, refugee aid and coaching companies

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